Sunday, October 30, 2011


I spent one morning this week, walking through a nearby State Park. I really wanted to take in the fall colors before they were completely gone for the season.
I walked up the path to the observation tower and climbed to the top. The view is breath taking! Here are a few of the views and colors that I was just mesmerized by. 
this is taken from the top of the observation tower. 

Pilot Knob Observation Tower

Absolutely Beautiful!

 I know I say this often, but this picture truly reminds me that God is the Master of Inspiration and Design.

Happy Halloween!!!
My family enjoyed carving pumpkins this weekend too. Here are just a few of our creations.

Nolan carved this skull.

Sometimes simple is best. Good job honey.

Samuel carved "Mike Wazowski" .

This was mine.. a quilting design?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What did you say??

     Our God is the Master of Inspiration and Design! Amazing fall colors!

      Ephesians 4:29 :  Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
     Thoughts on this verse:  The goal in Christian communication is not just clarity. Neither is the goal just to be understood. The goal is not even just to be truthful. The goal is to be appropriate, encouraging, and uplifting to others based on the needs of that other person. 
     Prayer: Tender Shepherd, give me a heart that is pure so that my words may be pure. Give me a heart that is kind so that my words may be kind. Give me a heart that is full of joy and encouragement so that I may share these with those you bring to my path and with whom I share conversation. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen. (
    Last weekend, while attending a quilt retreat, I was asked (unexpectedly) to share sort of devotions after our Sunday morning sermon. I choose to share this scriptures mostly because this verse has really stuck with me for a few weeks now. I think everyone, especially me, needs this reminder to think about the words we choose to speak before they leave our mouths. 
     It is very important that each of us realize the importance of  the use and misuse of the tongue. This type of sin is down right sneaky. Realizing how strongly this sin is connected to our emotions will be helpful for us to sustain the work of the Devil. Our emotions aren't a bad thing, however, when we allow our emotions to over come us and take control, we end up doing things we normally would not. Just ask any Mother whom has allowed that "Momma-Bear" come out in a moment to protect her child. This is basically an anxiety that takes control of our emotions. Pulling us farthest away from trusting God, even to the point of making us to become without faith. When we allow the Devil's ways to control us in this manner, we certainly are not trusting in our Lord. Even though anger is not a sin, if we allow the anger to overcome our control through desires that overwhelm us this can and will lead us into a sin. May it be from covetousness that will lead us to stealing or lust that brings us into situations we normally would not do. One of the major ways we can allow anger to become a sin is from the misuse of our words. We all know words can be sharp and cut like a knife, hurting others and even destroying others for a lifetime. 
    When turning to my bible, I find specific references to what the scriptures speaks out from the sin of our tongue. 
Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come evil ideas, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander
There are five rules to follow in determining if we should tell someone something:
1. Is it true? -do I know factually or is it all 2nd hand information?
2. Is it helpful?- will this information up-lift this person or does it bring them down?
3. Is it kind? - if its not positive information, refrain from repeating it. (no gossip)
4. Is it necessary?- is there some real reason to tell?
5. Does it have the seed of eternity?- does this glorify God by sharing it?
When reading further in Ephesians, you will find instructions of the kind of language we are sure to be done with.
     Ephesians 4:31Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.
 In Titus 3:2 we find instructions to the kind of language we need to practice:
     They must not slander anyone and must avoid quarreling. Instead, they should be gentle and show true humility to everyone.
    Being able to control our tongue is something that takes practice and will come more readily the more we are willing to ask the five questions before speaking. When we are able to control our tongue we will obtain a greater spiritual maturity.
May God be with you today in your walk in faith.